Search Results for: bible study

Pure PB

Pure is a BIble Study directed at middle school, high school, college-age girls who desire to go deeper in their walk with God.The eight week chapter study focuses on the idea of obedience is the highest form of worship by addressing the purity of our thoughts, speech, actions, dress, relationships, and hearts. Hidden in God’s […]

Shut The Door

Shut The Door! – Three little words that jumped off the pages at me as I looked again to a very familiar and loved passage of scripture found in 2 Kings 4. Two very different women with two very different stories are found in this chapter in the Word. I have heard these stories countless […]

Is Your Fruit Sweet Or Sour? PB

A twelve-chapter topical (KJV) series developed for young women, this book can be used for individual and/or small group study, Sunday school curriculum or for mother/daughter Bible study. Also includes: group leader guidelines, the “What kind of fruit are you?” quiz and an online answer key. A teen girl’s walk with the Lord can get […]

Philippians: A Path to Joy

Philippians: A Path to Joy is an exciting, “hands-on” approach to studying the Bible. Philippians is God’s victorious answer to the fear and anxiety that plagues our world. In this course you will be reminded that God not only cares about your soul, but He wants you to have healthy, life-affirming thoughts and emotions as […]

Enliven Encountering God Through His Word (Paperback)

Enliven Encountering God Through His Word is an exciting and effective method of studying God’s Word that is completely dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord (Matt 28:19-20). Specifically designed for small groups, Encountering God Through His Word incorporates both an inductive and deductive approach to study whereby the student is drawn into […]

Coins Covenant & Character (Combo Pack)

Coins, Covenant & Character teaching DVD and participants study guide. Great for group leaders! The Great Physician is watching over you with an eternal, everlasting love. His love will light your way and restoration will be yours. He is so close to you in the recovery process. He is pouring in the healing oil. You […]

Giants Grapes & Grasshoppers

Giants, Grapes and Grasshoppers is the first Bible study in the Kindle the Power discipleship series from International Women’s Discipleship. Author, Rhonda K. Holland teaches on discovering the keys to pulling down the stronghold of your giants. When the Enemy—your personal giant—tries to make you feel like a grasshopper in his sight, remind him, “God […]