Real Time is a full-color, interactive take-home paper for young teens. Young teens need to know that their relationship with God is happening right now. They don’t have to wait for high school or college to begin getting serious with God. They can start at this very moment.
Each weekly issue of Real Time includes exciting fiction stories, true stories of people living their faith in the real world, or helpful teaching articles-all correlated to the lesson taught in the Teaching Guide.
Also correlated to the Scriptures in the Teaching Guide are the Power Link daily devotionals. Each day’s study includes a suggested Scripture reading, a short commentary on that Scripture, and a directed prayer in response to that Scripture.
Finally, Real Time offers plenty of fun with “Laugh Tracks” cartoons; “Interface” questions for students to answer and send in; and the “Off Line” biblical advice column.
Now is the time for Real Time!
2023-2024 FULL Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary: Volume 4 of a Seven-Year Series