This first volume of a projected three volume set, Bishop Wade H. Phillips offers the most comprehensive examination to date of the origins, early history, and theological development of the Church of God (Cleveland, TN). Meticulously researched, this work breaks new ground at nearly every turn. Offering the most extensive analysis of the ministry and thought of R.J. Spurling, Phillips place is Spurling’s emerging thought and identity within the context of this theological influences. On the way he demonstrates Spurling’s indispensable role in the creation of the Church of God while identifying never before revealed details about his ministry, including the fact that he helped establish not one but at least for Christian Union congregations.
Quest To Restore God’s House
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SKU: 9781935931508
Categories: Books, Church of God Authors, History / Theology, Pastoral Resources, Sermon Resources, Teacher Resources
Weight | 2.48 lbs |
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