Teachers can use this in-class/take-home paper to help Bible lessons thrive in students’ hearts and hands. Each weekly paper presents the Bible story, a contemporary story, and a family component for extending the Bible lesson at home during the week. Need one per student.
- Family Cover Wrap gives an overview of each lesson, provides the unit memory verse and one family activity related to the unit theme, and Spiritual Snippets-age-appropriate suggestions for developing spiritual disciplines in early elementary students
- Four-page leaflet: includes the Bible story, an in-class student activity used during Bible Review, a contemporary story related to the Bible Truth, and questions for discussion
- All new contemporary stories centered on the Bible Truth with an ethnically-diverse character universe
- Different contemporary story formats encourage early readers-rebus, storybook, and comic
- Faith in Action encourages discussion about the Bible story, contemporary story, and the Bible Truth and how each child can respond to that truth
Used in conjunction with Echoes Early Elementary Sunday School lessons
2022-2023 FULL Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary: Volume 3 of a Seven-Year Series