Kid-tested! Engage their senses! Bible stories come to life through interactive games, storytelling, exciting crafts, scrumptious snacks, and more. Each of these 13 you-are-there lessons helps kids remember Bible truths in creative ways. Try the lessons consecutively, or pick and choose. # Includes: 13 all-senses-engaged Bible lessons help kids remember important Bible stories–and spark excitement to learn more. # You-are-there lessons each use games, storytelling, crafts, snacks, and other fun activities to create a dynamic experience kids will love! You’ll connect kids to Bible truths in totally creative ways. # Easy-to-follow plans for 1-hour lessons. # CD with songs and sound effects–you’ll decorate with sound and bring Bible lessons to life for kids!
Big Big God: 13 Amazing Lessons Where Preschoolers Experience God [With CD]
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SKU: 9780764436024
Categories: Books, Children & Youth Ministries, Pastoral Resources
Weight | 0.76 lbs |
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