At the core of Bishop Tim Hill’s ministry is a passion for revival and completing the Great Commission. Tim Hill contends that the answer to the political, social, and cultural upheaval over the last several years is a revived church that will return to its purpose – the proclamation of Jesus Christ and our call to present Him to the world.
He says, “Christians have been crying out to God for spiritual renewal! In a world on the brink of collapse, our only hope is a visitation of God’s power and presence…. Only His presence and power can right the ship and correct the course that will lead us beyond the mist of failed human efforts and into the currents of revival reality.
Topics include:
- Authentic Revival
- Revival and Leadership
- Spiritual Forces that Hinder Revival
- The Eleventh-Hour Revival
- Revival that Heals the Issues
- The Authenticity Test
- And more.
Complete with review questions from each chapter for individual or group study.