In this second volume of the Living as Pentecostal Disciples series, Dr. Wayne Brewer delves deeply into what it means to victoriously endure in the Faith. This volume scripturally challenges the “once saved, always saved” teaching and defines victorious endurance as “the resolute lifestyle of continuing to walk intimately with Christ while being conformed to His image and remaining faithful to Him up to the very end of one’s earthly life.”
In Week One we walk through the different “hallways” of endurance – from suffering, to mistreatment, to the “wilderness,” to the “famine” season, as well as having an enduring vision of Christ. Week Two highlights the strengthening “helps” to spiritual endurance which are the essential five spiritual disciplines of prayer, study, meditation, fasting, and fellowship. Week Three highlights the “hallmarks” of victorious endurance as understood through the lens of the believer’s five spiritual relationships to God, which are seen as fellowshipping son/daughter, faithful servant, fruitful steward, fearless soldier, and follower of the Spirit. Finally, Week Four encourages the reader with the stories of five “heroes” of victorious endurance: Abraham (faith), Jehoshaphat (praise), John the Baptist (trust), the Importunate Widow (perseverance) and the Apostle Paul (steadfastness), and how each of them triumphed through their “season of enduring.” An Enduring People will open up the great truth that victoriously enduring in Christ is actually walking intimately with Christ!