With the birth of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in the twentieth century and their amazing growth in recent years has come a new interest in the BibleÂ’s teaching and the churchÂ’s doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
Unquestionably, God is pouring out the Holy Spirit and bringing more people than ever before in history into the Kingdom. God decided before the foundation of the world that He would not let the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, be in vain. From the beginning, God sovereignly planned that these end times—before the return of Christ—would be times filled with an overwhelming deluge of His Holy Spirit, calling people to His side from the four corners of the Earth. More than ever, it seems critically important for God’s people to have a vibrant, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.
As believers welcome the activity of the Holy Spirit in the church, questions of theology and practice arise. In this book, Dr. Raymond Culpepper responds to 24 key questions related to the ministry of the Spirit. Learning the answers to the questions will ensure a correct and orderly manifestation of the SpiritÂ’s ministry.